Ps4 save editor free nextgenupdate
Ps4 save editor free nextgenupdate

ps4 save editor free nextgenupdate

some games require you to create your own save data with the appropriate name & size, fallout 4 is such a game. the workaround method is obsolete since update 1.4

ps4 save editor free nextgenupdate

don't replace files in sce_sys directory, it is unnecessary and will probably corrupt your save you don't need to start a game to modify its saves, it's actually better not to have one open because some games like gow 4 may overwrite parts of a save while you're busy modifying it resulting in a corrupted save.

  • now you should be able to copy the save to the account linked to the psn id (5.05+ console) using system settings.
  • ps4 save editor free nextgenupdate

  • remove the sdimg_ prefix from the filename.
  • unmount the save and copy the 2 save files sdimg & the.
  • save the param.sfo & replace the one in the mounted dir.
  • change the psn id to the target's psn id (8 bytes, you get that by copying a save using settings, you'll need to change it to little endian) it's at 0x15C for hex editing.
  • open it in a hex editor or a ps4 compatible sfo editor.
  • get the param.sfo file from the sce_sys directory.
  • Click 'Search' to refresh the save list.
  • Use the slider to choose the save's size.
  • Enter the desired save directory name in the textbox.
  • After you're done copying/replacing files click 'Unmount'.
  • Your save is now mounted and accessible from ftp in /mnt/pfs/ & in /mnt/sandbox/NPXS20001_000/savedataX (it's the same just a different dir).
  • Click 'Search' & select the save you want to mount.
  • Click 'Get Games' & select the game you want to use in the combobox.
  • Click 'Setup' & select the user you want to use in the combobox.
  • ps4 save editor free nextgenupdate

  • Enter the ip of your ps4 and click 'Connect'.
  • net framework 2.0 executables (even windows 98 can run this)
  • To make sure you're using a recent ps4debug version, bin of the latest ps4debug (as of 11/14) is included in the download.
  • Make decrypted copies of any save (as long as it's encrypted with keys 5.05).
  • This program allows you to mount save data with RW permission and a lot more shit, just read this damn thing You can

    Ps4 save editor free nextgenupdate